
“Soldier Boy” by The Shirelles is a classic soulful ballad that epitomizes the longing and devotion of a young woman awaiting her soldier’s return. Released in 1962 as a single, the song soared to the top of the charts, becoming one of The Shirelles’ most iconic hits. With its heartfelt lyrics, lush harmonies, and irresistible melody, “Soldier Boy” captured the hearts of listeners across generations, solidifying its place in the pantheon of timeless love songs. Join us as we delve into the emotional depth and enduring appeal of The Shirelles’ “Soldier Boy.”

Did You Know?

  • “Soldier Boy” was written by Luther Dixon and Florence Greenberg, and it was inspired by Dixon’s experiences as a soldier.
  • The song reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, marking The Shirelles’ first chart-topping single.
  • “Soldier Boy” became an anthem for soldiers and their loved ones during the Vietnam War era, resonating deeply with its message of love and longing.
  • The Shirelles’ soulful vocals and heartfelt delivery imbue “Soldier Boy” with a timeless quality that continues to touch audiences today.


Lyrics: Soldier Boy

Soldier boy
Oh my little soldier boy
I’ll be true to youYou were my first love
And you’ll be my last love
I will never make you blue
I’ll be true to you

In the whole world
You can love but one girl
Let me be the one girl
For I’ll be true to you

Wherever you go
My heart will follow
I love you so
I’ll be true to you

Take my love with you
To any port or foreign shore
Darling you must feel for sure
And I’ll be true to you

Soldier boy
Oh my little soldier boy
I’ll be true to you

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