
“Mr. Lonely” by Bobby Vinton is a timeless classic that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide. Released in 1964, this heartwrenching ballad captures the essence of loneliness and longing in its purest form. Bobby Vinton’s emotive vocals and poignant lyrics make this song an unforgettable part of music history.Top 10 Bobby Vinton Songs -

Did You Know?

  • About the Song: “Mr. Lonely” was written by Bobby Vinton himself along with Gene Allen. It quickly became one of Vinton’s signature songs and reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in 1964. The song’s melancholic melody and Vinton’s soulful delivery struck a chord with listeners, making it an enduring classic.
  • About the Singer: Bobby Vinton, often referred to as the “Polish Prince of Pop,” was a prominent American singer known for his romantic ballads. He enjoyed a successful career spanning several decades, with hits like “Blue Velvet” and “Roses Are Red.” Vinton’s velvety voice and heartfelt performances endeared him to fans worldwide.Bobby Vinton brings 'Mr. Lonely' to State Theatre -


Lyrics: Mr. Lonely 

Lonely, I’m Mr. Lonely
I have nobody for my own
I’m so lonely, I’m Mr. Lonely
Wish I had someone to call on the phone

I’m a soldier, a lonely soldier
Away from home through no wish of my own
That’s why I’m lonely, I’m Mr. Lonely
I wish that I could go back home

Letters, never a letter
I get no letters in the mail
I’ve been forgotten, yeah, forgotten
Oh, how I wonder how is it I failed

Now I’m a soldier, a lonely soldier
Away from home through no wish of my own
That’s why I’m lonely, I’m Mr. Lonely
I wish that I could go back home

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