
Step into the enchanting world of the Everly Brothers with their iconic hit, “Wake Up Little Susie.” Released in the 1957, this timeless melody has etched its place in the annals of music history, weaving a tale of romance and rebellion. Join us on a journey as we explore the harmonious brilliance of the Everly Brothers and the everlasting impact of “Wake Up Little Susie.”5 Everly Brothers Covers That Show the Duo's Eerie, Enduring Influence |  Pitchfork

Did You Know?

“Wake Up Little Susie” not only catapulted the Everly Brothers to stardom but also became a cultural phenomenon in the 1950s. The song, with its sweet harmonies and catchy tune, resonated with a generation caught between tradition and rebellion.

The Everly Brothers, Don and Phil, were pioneers of close-harmony singing, influencing countless artists across genres. “Wake Up Little Susie” showcased their ability to blend rock and roll with folk, creating a sound that was both innovative and irresistible.

In this article, we’ll delve into the layers of “Wake Up Little Susie,” exploring its cultural impact, the Everly Brothers’ musical journey, and why this classic remains a cherished piece of musical history.


Wake up, little Susie, wake up
Wake up, little Susie, wake up

We’ve both been sound asleep
Wake up little Susie and weep
The movie’s over, it’s four o’clock
And we’re in trouble deep

Wake up, little Susie
Wake up, little Susie

Well, what are we gonna tell your Mama
What are we gonna tell your Pa?
What are we gonna tell our friends
When they say, “Ooh la la!”

Wake up, little Susie
Wake up, little Susie

Well, I told your Mama that you’d be in by ten
Well, Susie baby, looks like we goofed again
Wake up, little Susie
Wake up, little Susie
We gotta go home

Wake up, little Susie, wake up
Wake up, little Susie, wake up

The movie wasn’t so hot
It didn’t have much of a plot
We fell asleep, our goose is cooked
Our reputation is shot

Wake up, little Susie
Wake up, little Susie

Well, what are we gonna tell your Ma-ma
What are we gonna tell your Pa?
What are we gonna tell our friends
When they say, “Ooh la la!”

Wake up, little Susie
Wake up, little Susie
Wake up, little Susie

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